Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sweden 2007, Styrso island

Styrso is in the incredibly beautiful region of islands near Goteborg.
Styrso yra viena is salu salia Goteborgo.
We rented a house there. This was the view from my bedroom.
Mes issinuomavom nama Styrso, o cia yra vaizdas uz lango.
However, we've got to learn that summer vacation in the north might not be granted with the sun. So, we went fishing, but there were no fishes for me or Rapolas, or a well known expert fisher Claes, just grass, how dissapointing:(
Teko pripazinti, kad vasaros atostogos siaurej, ne pati geriausia mintis, saltoka. Tai isvykom zvejoti, deje, zuvys mus vis pergudraudavo. Netgi zvejybos ekspertui Klausui nepavyko ju prisivilioti :(
Biking is also limited, because the theritory of island is not big enough.
Pasivazinejimas dviraciais irgi ribotas - viens ir baigiasi salele.
One attraction worked, though. Catching the crab is very easy, if you know how; and I've got a teacher:)
Ir vis delto susiradom pramoga. Gaudyti krabus nera taip jau sunku, kai turi mokytoja.
When you have enough crabs, you can do crab race. Take 2 of them of the same size, build a track towards the water, and see which one will reach the water first. You must have prices for this game, the owner of the winning crab will need it:)
Kai prisigaudai pakankamai krabu, gali daryti krabu lenktynes. Paimam 2 daugmaz vienodo dydzio, pastatom begimo link vandens trasa, paleidziam, ir ziurim kuris pasieks vandeni pirmas. Zinoma, reikia tureti prizu krabo nugaletojo seimininkui apdovanoti:)

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