Thursday, May 8, 2008

DisneyLand Paris 2007

The symbol of Disneyland
Disneilendo simbolis
Scary room, among loads of other attractions.
Siaubu kambarys, vienas is daugybes atrakcijonu.
In the castle; it is not that impressing, actually, not impressing at all.
Pilyje; ne tokia jau ta pilis ispudinga.
Such a good idea to shortly become a child :)
Na, nusprendziau ir as trumpam pabuti vaiku:)
Moderatelly scary train ride (for Rapolas, not for me, for me dead-scary)
Vidutinio baisumo traukinukas (Rapolui, ne man, man tai siaubingo baisumo)
Just beutiful all over.
Siaip tai grazu ten, sodai, prudai.
This was Rapolas 13th birthday. But the cake was nowhere to find. Then we celebrated it with the McDonald ice-cream:))) It was good enough, the mood was beating the lack of cake by far!
O visa tai Rapolo 13-o gimtadienio proga. Tik kad torto niekur neradom. Teko svesti su McDonaldo ledais:))) Gerai ir taip, nuotaika buvo tokia gera, kad nerupejo tas tortas!

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