Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sweden 2007, Styrso island

Styrso is in the incredibly beautiful region of islands near Goteborg.
Styrso yra viena is salu salia Goteborgo.
We rented a house there. This was the view from my bedroom.
Mes issinuomavom nama Styrso, o cia yra vaizdas uz lango.
However, we've got to learn that summer vacation in the north might not be granted with the sun. So, we went fishing, but there were no fishes for me or Rapolas, or a well known expert fisher Claes, just grass, how dissapointing:(
Teko pripazinti, kad vasaros atostogos siaurej, ne pati geriausia mintis, saltoka. Tai isvykom zvejoti, deje, zuvys mus vis pergudraudavo. Netgi zvejybos ekspertui Klausui nepavyko ju prisivilioti :(
Biking is also limited, because the theritory of island is not big enough.
Pasivazinejimas dviraciais irgi ribotas - viens ir baigiasi salele.
One attraction worked, though. Catching the crab is very easy, if you know how; and I've got a teacher:)
Ir vis delto susiradom pramoga. Gaudyti krabus nera taip jau sunku, kai turi mokytoja.
When you have enough crabs, you can do crab race. Take 2 of them of the same size, build a track towards the water, and see which one will reach the water first. You must have prices for this game, the owner of the winning crab will need it:)
Kai prisigaudai pakankamai krabu, gali daryti krabu lenktynes. Paimam 2 daugmaz vienodo dydzio, pastatom begimo link vandens trasa, paleidziam, ir ziurim kuris pasieks vandeni pirmas. Zinoma, reikia tureti prizu krabo nugaletojo seimininkui apdovanoti:)

DisneyLand Paris 2007

The symbol of Disneyland
Disneilendo simbolis
Scary room, among loads of other attractions.
Siaubu kambarys, vienas is daugybes atrakcijonu.
In the castle; it is not that impressing, actually, not impressing at all.
Pilyje; ne tokia jau ta pilis ispudinga.
Such a good idea to shortly become a child :)
Na, nusprendziau ir as trumpam pabuti vaiku:)
Moderatelly scary train ride (for Rapolas, not for me, for me dead-scary)
Vidutinio baisumo traukinukas (Rapolui, ne man, man tai siaubingo baisumo)
Just beutiful all over.
Siaip tai grazu ten, sodai, prudai.
This was Rapolas 13th birthday. But the cake was nowhere to find. Then we celebrated it with the McDonald ice-cream:))) It was good enough, the mood was beating the lack of cake by far!
O visa tai Rapolo 13-o gimtadienio proga. Tik kad torto niekur neradom. Teko svesti su McDonaldo ledais:))) Gerai ir taip, nuotaika buvo tokia gera, kad nerupejo tas tortas!

Australia 2007

Wine valleys; apparently Germans brought the wine making tradition to Australia
Parrots everywhere
Melbourn has a very intense night-life, it was a bit frightening...
It's a Puffing-Billy train, worth trying
The birds don't know their true identity - no fear for higher species.
Altogether I was not in the good mood to make pictures or travel arround, it was the time change that I could not domesticate:(

Barcelona, Spain, 2007

La Sagrada Família, when you in Barcelona, it's a ritual to start from there
Still Gaudi, Palau Güell
Some rocks
And huge cactuses, for me it is impressing as I grew up in no-cactus country,
also, in no-palm country.
This was actually February, winter!!! I don't know what was wrong with that woman. I should have asked :)))
At the end Rapolas was SO sick of me dragging him everywhere and making pictures all arround that he swore to never join me to my trips in the future. How sad:(

Claes on the rocks

Climbing rocks with Alf, craaaazyyy
Happy Claes on the rocks

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Lake Dubingiai (Asveja), Lithuania, 2005

Lake. So relaxing and so quiet... after couple of days I couldn't remember whether I've ever had any troubles:)
Tokia ramybe ir grozis, po poros dienu isgaruoja visi rupesciai:)
Rapolas didn't want to get out of water, he was jumping and jumping:) Rapolas nenorejo lipti is vandens, vis sokinejo ir sokinejo:)

I don't know how to play tennis but can run after the ball tirelessly:) Although Rapolas was sure that his game was fine :)
Nemoku as to teniso zaisti, bet lakstyti paskui kamuoliuka galiu:) O Rapolas buvo isitikines, kad jis zaidzia visai neblogai :)
This time the victory is mine!
Si karta as laimejau!

Russian billiard is a difficult game but I think I nearly cracked it!
Tas bilijardas gana sudetingas zaidimas, bet man regis as ji beveik perpratau!
Laima, my best Lithuanian friend. Eh:)
Laima, mano geriausia drauge:)

Summer vacation 2006, Lithuania, at the Baltic sea

Baltic sea, Palanga
Baltijos jura, Palanga
Rapolas was bored, too much sand, too little games.
Rapolas nuobodziavo, tik smelis, vanduo, o kur zaidimai?
No swimming or tanning for me, just a book, I am boring to be with.
As netikusi kompanija, nei maudausi, nei deginuosi, tik skaitau ir skaitau. 
Alright, I did build one awfully ugly sand-castle.
Na gerai, prisipazinsiu - pastaciau viena labai negrazia smelio pili.
And Rapolas found a friend, but he wasn't a big talker.
O Rapolas surado drauga, bet jis labai jau nesnekus buvo.

Biking around Eberbach, Germany, Summer 2006

It was a beautiful, although very hilly forest. And it was so damn hot!
Labai grazi gamta, bet labai kalnuota. Ir dar toks buvo neimanomas karstis!
I love biking, but not with that craaappy bike:( OK, it isn't so crappy but doesn't work in the forest.
Man patinka vazinetis dviraciu, na bet ne situo:( Nera jis toks jau blogas, bet miskams netinka.
Claes was happy with everything. Mystery.
O Klausui viskas buvo gerai. Keista.
Old bridge
Senas tiltas
Frank's birthday in one of the forest villages
Franko gimtadienis viename is pamiskes kaimeliu.
Ice-creem in Lampertheim, it is the best that you can get on this Earth, no joke!
Ledai Lamperheime, patys skaniausi pasaulyje, nejuokauju!
Radler - the drink for bikers, half Pils, half lemon lemonade.
Radla - dviratininku gerimas, viena dalis sviesaus alaus, o kita citrinu limonado.