Sunday, October 24, 2010

Arcachon, France, October 2010

Miestas vakarejant
Sun set
Netoli miesto, vasarnamiai ir austriu fermos
Oyster farms, summer houses...
Jura is virsaus
Sea from above tree tops
Eeee... lavonai
Errmmm.. dead people
Anzinybej sustinge nuotykiu ieskotojai :)
Explorers stuck in the eternity :)
Vanduo nors maudykis. Spalio vidurys!!
It's mid-October! The water felt like it would be summer
Kopos, ispudinga
Dunes, impressing
Jura, ramybe...
More sea, beautiful, quiet, relaxing...
Isplaukem apziureti austriu fermu
On the boat going around the bay, oyster farms everywhere
Zinoma, kokia Pracuzija be suriu, visur, kalnais
Cheeses, chesses and more cheeses, wherever you go
Austres, labai neskanios. Nesuprantu, kodel zmones del ju is proto kraustosi, tikrai labai neskanios, net purto prisiminus.
And oysters, not tasty, not at all. But some people are obsessed with them. I don't get it.
Paskutine vakariene :) Nebuvo lengva kelione :)
The last supper :) Wasn't easy trip I must say :) hihi

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Paris 2010

The symbol
Some museum I guess, well protected property :)
Muziejus, nezinau koks, na bet gerai saugomas :)
Bridge, cruel babies from the past!
Tiltas, ziaurus kudikis is praeities!
Floating apartments, must be shaky in bad weather
Plaukiojantys butai, blogu oru tikriausiai nelinksma
Fountain, my God it is beautiful
Fontanas, ispudingas
Arch of blabla victory
Balazino kokiai pergalei skirta arka
Eeeerrrm, Musee du Louvre
Luvras, tik mazas jo kampelis
Notre-Dame Basilica
This is just a candy shop window, everything is edible here :)
Saldumynu parduotuves vitrina, viskas kas nuotraukoj yra valgoma, mmmm... :)
This is a city hall, I was to have a dinner here, could not believe it myself
Rotuse, cia buvo patiekta vakariene, sunku ir patiketi
Ceiling inside the city hall
Lubos, rotuses viduj
Cocktail party, not bad!
Uzkandele, jooo!
And... the dinner
Na ir vakariene
OK, this was a good trip, I admit :) I'll come back here!
Gera buvo kelione, prisipazistu :) As dar cia sugrisiu!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Rome, Italy, 09.02.2010

Welcome to Rome, city of ruins
Sveiki atvyke i Roma, griuvesiu miesta
It's February!!! Were do oranges come from???
Vasaris!!! Is kur tie apelsinai???
Old Roman city, Cesar was living and ruling there
Senasis romenu miestas, Cesaris ten gyveno ir valde
Some fountain, it is more impressing than it looks in the picture, as it continues to the chamber underneath.
Fontanas, labai ispudingas, jis tesiasi pogrindiniam kambaryje
Wandering among the ruins of ancient Rome
Kaidziojant po senosios Romos miesto griuvesius
... and of course we got lost
...labai lengva pasiklysti
Not much is still recognizable after all these centuries but a stone marking the building of Senate is still there.
Ne kazikas liko is to miesto, bet kai kas vis dar atpazistama. Senato rumu akmuo.
Some old temples are still there but of course they were preserved and rebuild for one or another reason.
Kelios sventyklos irgi sugebejo issilaikyti, bet zinoma buvo atstatytos, perstatytos is saugotos del ivairiu prizasciu.
Coliseum, very windy, Claes all wet and frozen...
Koliziejus, vejuotas is saltas, sustires Klausas...
Coliseum, what is left of it...
Viskas kas liko is garsaus Koliziejaus
The Vatican city from above
Vatikanas is virsaus
Vatican entrance. All is so big and beautiful
Vatikano kiemas, viskas didnga, grazu
Inside the Vatican, in St. Peter's Basilica (designed by Michelangelo) there is amazing collection of great art works. This one is Michelangelo's Pieta (1499).
Vatikanas, Sv. Petro Bazilika (sukurta Mikelandzelo) pilnas ispudingiausiu meno kuriniu. Sis - Mikelandzelo Pieta (1499).
Local inhabitants seem to be affected by the spirit of the city. This is just regular wall surrounding someone's house.
Paprastus zmones miesto dvasia irgi veikia. Cia paprasciausia tvora juosianti kazkieno nama.
Tea time. Sweet little tea houses (or was it coffee?!)
Arbateles metas
Ha, everybody knows that one, it's Trevi Fountain, a jewel of the 18th cetury.
Na, visi zino si fontana, tai Trevi fentanas, pastatytas 18-am amziuje.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Christmas, 2009

The big event of Christmas was the doggy
Kaledine dovana - suniukas
Me, my father and the doggy
As, tetis ir suniukas
Me, my mother and the doggy
As, mama ir suniukas
The house of my parents (and where is the doggy???)
Tevu namai (o kur suniukas???)
Ah, here he is!!!
O stai ir jis!!!
The joyfulness of this doggy was equal to the joyfulness of each one of us summed up and multiplied by 10. But he was nice enough to share it with me:)
Linksmumas to suniuko didesnis negu musu visu sudejus i kruva. Gerai kad jis juo mielai dalinosi:)