Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2009

Hello Croatia
Labas Kroatija
Croatia - country at the Adriatic sea
Kroatija - salis prie Adrijos juros
Croatia is a pipe unfriendly country, so if you go there leave your pipes at home:)
Kroatija pypkoriu nemegsta

Dubrovnik - city of rocks and walls, although 'dub' means 'oak tree' in Croatian language, there is a reason for that, it lies in the history of the city, which I don't really know
Dubrovnikas - akmenu ir sienu miestas, nors 'dub' reiskia 'azuolas', tai susije su miesto istorija, kurios as nezinau

Incredibly beautiful nature
Neitiketinai grazi gamta
Wealthy cactus
Iskeroje kaktusai
Giant bug
Didziulis vabalas

Lazy birds, don't care about the tourists
Aptinge povai nesidomi turistais

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